Browse Dictionary

a play (on a stage)
a house or room for play, including a pool hall, game room, gymnasium
1. playground 2. park
to go in the woods, water, a ravine, etc. (of one)
to play in water or mud
to hide oneself in water or a low place
to kill in water, drown (one)
to die in water
to take (one) from the eye, water, or a low place
to stir (a liquid) in a deep container
to swim
(two or more)
to make come out, pull (one) out from mud, etc.
sticking out behind (of one)
to go a distance in water
to go in the woods, water, a ravine, etc.
(of two)
to float in water
to stick to (of food to a deep pan, as when cooking sofke)
to go in the woods, water, a ravine, etc. (of three or more)