Browse Dictionary



1. to throw (three or more) or spill this way down in water or a deep place; 2. to flush (a toilet)
to swim in this direction
to come out of water a low place, jail (of one)
to pull (one) out of a low place or water
to make (one) descend into
to come down into (of one)
to scoop out in this direction
1. to fall this way into a hole or water (of one) 2. to collapse (of a house)
1. to jump this way down into water or a lower place (of one) 2. to dive into the water (of one)
to drop or throw (one) down this way into a deep place or water
to chase this way
to get on the back
to carry piggyback
to put on (another's) back
1. to make mush, make gravy 2. to thicken (liquid such as fruit juices)
to make (one) happy
1. to be happy, be glad 2. to play stickball
1. to be happy, be glad 2. to play stickball
to play
to go in the woods, water, a ravine, etc. (of one)