Browse Dictionary


to wade, go about in water or a low place (of two)
to drop or throw (one) down into water or a low place
to hold (something) over water
to lay (one) down in water or a low place
(of two)
to eavesdrop
to listen
to cave in (as of a grave)
to chase (someone or something)
to give chase
to become assistant to, second in command to
1. to do five times 2. to reach five years in age
to mix
(of three or more)
(two or more)
1. to make stick in 2. to run into head-on
1. to stick in (one fencepost, etc.) 2. to place (one building, etc.) upright in or at ground level
1. to catch up to 2. to approach, be near (of time)
to reach (a goal), achieve